Object Oriented Frameworks for Web Development

A survey of Rails, Django, and Zend Framework — bringing OOP to the web.

Published on November 1, 2006.

I began working on the web in 1997, starting with simple web sites and gradually building more dynamic database-driven web sites, including fairly sophisticated systems for e-commerce and online presence management. But 2006 marks a significant departure for me. Despite some experience with C++, Java and Objective-C, it never hit me to go OO on the web.

Ruby on Rails got me started. Like every web developer out there, I wanted to learn what the hype was about. I worked through the depot application in Agile Web Development with Rails (1st ed.), I attended Canada on Rails in April for some good wholesome indoctrination (well, perhaps not that wholesome)!

I moved my personal site to Rails, but I also investigated Zend Framework, to see if it could handle all the routing and database needs that Rails so gracefully took care of.

In two months I learned the basics of Python and Django, and wrote two smallish apps for data browsing and PDF generation, both secured with LDAP-based authentication.

I’d like to share some of my experiences.


I began learning Ruby with “why’s (poignant) guide to Ruby”, and while I found the pacing too slow for an experienced programmer, it did make me realize just how smartly Ruby is designed. The way punctuation is used, each character seemed to be chosen in a way that makes sense (eg. @ for attribute). Even the convention of consonants being capitalized like Proper Names, and variables being all lowercase. Some things take getting use to – everything is an object, and blocks can take some time to grasp. But after the initial hurdles, I found Ruby to be both a very powerful and elegant language.

Matz began developing Ruby in 1993, more than three years after Guido began creating Python. He had the advantage of incorporating the best of Perl, Python, Lisp and other languages. On the other hand, Ruby wasn’t widely publicized until 1998 (7 years after Python was made public). It still is maturing as far as library support.

My experiments with Unicode were dismaying. Once I determined that I must require 'jcode', I found that string offsets would grab specific bytes from a string, not code points as desired. Since Rubyists can easily revamp the base String class, there may be a solution out there, but certainly the bundled support is less than I expected for a programming language developed in Japan.

Until YARV is bundled with Ruby, performance is a valid concern. For web applications, the solution is to make good use of page caching, which everyone ought to do anyway, but especially with Ruby on Rails.

Ruby on Rails

Rails is all the hype these days. Not only does it provide a good skeleton to get started, it allows you to avoid writing SQL (for the most part), and ties into prototype and script.acul.us for all the Ajax and Web 2.0 goodness you could want.

I am quite happy with the direction that Rails is taking. Matter-of-factly, I had been looking into RESTful web applications and found it reason enough to not use Rails, which was driven by actions on the URL line. So I was very pleased to hear that RESTful design was a big focus of the next release. I also agree with the core focus of Rails – how the team decides between what is essential and what should be an add-on plugin.

My main concerns with Rails are thread safety and deployment. I can’t speak to the resource usage of spawning multiple processes vs. multiple threads, so I’m not sure if the lack of thread safety is a big deal! But I must say that getting Ruby and subsequently Rails installed on my Mac and again on TextDrive was no small task.

One problem was the utter number of installers and guides that just weren’t current. For localhosting, building from source following the Hivelogic guide turned out to be the best solution.

Ruby has more going for it than Rails. There are tools like Capistrano to help with deployment, and RSpec is very intriguing for applying test-first practices to application design. Both employ “domain specific languages”, that is, they hijack Ruby into providing an English-like syntax to achieve their ends. Ruby already is very readable, and it is also very flexible, so it is quite suitable for this process.


I began learning Python in September 2006 while at Wycliffe Canada. I was a short-term volunteer, so ensuring that what I developed would be maintainable was my primary concern. I chose Python because other developers in the organization used it for other tasks. Besides Wycliffe, you’ll find Python used in many interesting places:

  • Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, now works at Google. Apparently they use it for a fair number of things.
  • The Civilization IV startup screen initializes Python.
  • 3D rendering applications like Poser support Python scripting.
  • The Sugar user interface for One Laptop Per Child is developed primarily in Python.

The Python language has many powerful features, like list comprehensions to manipulate data. It has a smart design, such as using tuples to allow methods to return multiple arguments. With dynamic typing, variables need not be declared, but Python is strongly typed so it does not automatically cast, for example, integers to strings.

Python’s indentation takes no getting use to at all, especially if you are using a competent editor with Python support (I use TextMate).

With Ruby, Matz wanted to create a language more object oriented than Python, and it is. In fact Python didn’t even have classes in the first release. Python is already 17 years old, and that history brings some baggage as well as many benefits.

A major benefit is the Python libraries, which are really quite wonderful. Whether working with the built in support for CSV files or hashing, or using third-party libraries for LDAP or generating PDFs (reportlab), I am always impressed with what Python is capable of. Not only that, Python has Mac OS X installers, and it’s easy enough to install with Debian’s package manager too.

When it comes to web development, there are many frameworks for Python. There is something called WSGI in Python, that makes it super simple to write your own web framework, and so people have. Frameworks like Pylons tie into other tools like SQLAlchemy, a very competent ORM.

It is nice to have choices, but making a choice does take work. Ruby is very focused around Rails and there are many books on it, whereas many of the frameworks for Python do not have the same level of good educational material.


Django is a well known and well supported web framework for Python. A simple database model will not only create the entire schema for you, and it powers the wonderful “free” Administration site. Every web developer should at least take a look at Django’s admin site, which looks great and requires very little code.

Why didn’t I use the Django Admin for either of my projects? The truth is, it didn’t quite fit my needs for the simple applications I was developing. However, I was somewhat dismayed that the more advanced UI controls (e.g. the side by side select lists) used by the administration site were not available as stand-alone controls for the front-end.

While Django is on board with the DRY principle, certain areas, like URL routing, adhere to what I would call the WET (Write Everything Twice) principle. That was a particular pain when restructuring my Django app to be deployed under a folder. The Django folks are aware of the issue.

Despite these problems, Django holds a lot of potential. It is definitely worth watching in the coming months as they finally hit the 1.0 release and publish The Django Book.

For contrasting opinions on Django and Rails, check out the Snakes and Rubies video.

Python may experience some troublesome times, as there are plans for incompatible changes in the upcoming Python 3k version. The 2.x stream will continue to be supported, but 3k could see slow adoption while framework and library providers try to support both versions.

One change will be to make the already excellent Unicode support the standard string type, relegating all non-Unicode work to a special binary format. Many of the other changes are to remove the baggage of now deprecated features, and to fix design mistakes made in the beginning. It’s good to see that the Python community is not-at-all resting on their laurels.


I began was playing in PHP 3.x back in 2000. The PHP language may not be as expressive as Ruby or Python, but it is easy to learn. Of course my code was always in typical PHP fashion – procedural and mixing everything together.

One of my experiments was with multibyte (specifically Hebrew) text. PHP’s support for Unicode was quite abysmal, which again is surprising, with Zend being based out of Israel. That could change with linguist & Yahoo! Andrei Zmievski working on Unicode support for PHP 6. There are even plans to support transliteration!

What is especially ugly about PHP is the API, which feel like a hodgepodge of libraries from many sources, and to great extent, I suppose it is. Along comes Zend Framework, with the promise of a nice clean object-oriented interface.

Zend Framework

This August, I began using Zend Framework, a community project that Zend started up. As an experiment, I “derailed” my personal site by porting it to ZF. At least I tried – I got the routing working but ran into trouble with the “topic tree” which helps categorize my list of articles. In Rails this is achieved with acts_as_tree in the model, and :include => [:topic] while retrieving the article list. No such facility in Zend Framework, at least not yet.

I took a look at Zend Framework again when I was beginning a small project which would generate PDFs. What I found was a pretty nice API that unfortunately didn’t support wrapping of text. On the other hand, reportlab for Python was at version 2.0, and not only handled wrapping paragraphs, but also shrinking the text to fit, along with many other features. I also found Python had good built in support for reading in CSV files with line breaks within fields and double-quote mark escaping. While PHP could’ve worked, Python quickly became my choice for the project.

The problem was that Zend Framework was still fairly young (version 0.15). It would be a great project to get involved in, but at the time I wanted to focus on my own project, not on building frameworks.

In Summary

All said, I have learned a great deal from this years’ foray into web frameworks. I now have the knowledge to choose the best tool for the job from a wider range of possibilities.

If left to myself, I will likely focus on Ruby on Rails. The 2nd edition of Agile Web Development with Rails is nearly out of beta. Reading through that should provide a good refresher, and fill me in with all the new developments.

Regardless of which tools and projects I end up working on, I’m very much looking forward to improving my development practices. That means object- oriented, test-driven code that is easier to maintain.

Nathan Youngman

Software Developer and Author